Why I have so many side projects

A Passion for Programming

People often ask me why I have so many side projects. It’s not about bragging or trying to appear overly busy—it’s about passion. Programming is something I love, and side projects are my way of exploring that passion, experimenting with ideas, and sharing the benefits of programming with others.

Curiosity and Creativity

For me, a side project often starts with a problem I encounter in my own life. Maybe it’s:

  • A repetitive task that needs automating
  • A creative idea I want to bring to life
  • Simply wanting to see if I can build something new

These projects let me:

  • Dive into areas I’m curious about
  • Learn new skills
  • Refine my craft

The Value of Sharing

If I make a tool or program, why not share it? I’ve already spent the time building it and have the tool ready to use. Uploading it online is a small step, but it opens the door for others to benefit from something they might not have the time or interest to create themselves. Whether it’s:

  • Simplifying video editing
  • Automating tedious workflows
  • Solving a niche problem

…I’m motivated to make things easier for others.

Impact Beyond Popularity

Even if a project I release doesn’t gain widespread use, I still see value in it. Each one is a small contribution to a larger community of developers, creators, and users. If a tool helps even one person, or if it shows someone what’s possible with programming, that’s enough for me. Sharing my work is my way of giving back and inspiring others to explore what technology can do.

Reflecting on Growth

My side projects are also a reflection of how I’ve grown as a programmer. This is why I showcase most of them on my site. Yes, I look back at some of my first projects and cringe, but those early efforts remind me how far I’ve come and how much more I can grow.

A perfect example is my first application: a chess match built with a massive if-else list over 15,000 lines long. Today, I work on tools that achieve far more with far less—like online converter sites, an automatic save-and-load asset system for Unity games, or even an echolocation horror game.

Embracing the Unknown

This site represents my growth and embodies a saying my father often told me:

You don’t know what you don’t know.

It’s an odd and humbling phrase, but it resonates deeply. Years ago, if I had told my younger self about the projects I’m building today, I’d be amazed and wouldn’t have the faintest idea where to start. Each side project not only captures my progress but also serves as a reminder of the limitless potential ahead.


So, why do I have so many side projects? Because I love what I do. Programming is more than just a job; it’s a creative outlet, a way to help others, and a path to constant learning. My side projects are a testament to that passion, and I hope they inspire others to explore, create, and share in their own ways.